Monday, January 11, 2016

DIY | Makeup Brush Holder

So for the past week or so I've been sick with what I was convinced would be the death of me...   Today I am feeling much better and really needed to get out of the house so I figured I'd tackle a little project I have been wanting to do for a while, a DIY makeup brush holder..  
It turned out super cute so I wanted to share my quick & cost effective way to make one.  :-)

What You'll Need:

Feel free to click the pictures if you'd like to see them larger! ;-P

1. A container $2.99 (I got this one at Tj Maxx) 
The container really depends on your style and how much brushes you want to put in it.  These glass ones run a bit pricey at places like Michael's, but are super affordable at Tj Max..  Matter of fact Michael's had the exact same one for like $13.  

2. Filler $4.99/ each  (I got mine at Michael's)
There's a few different options for filler.  Sand, Gems, Marbles, etc..  I opted for these because I figure if they get dirty/ dusty they can be cleaned.  

Next just fill the container up in whichever way you prefer.  (Layered, mixed, whatevs)

The Finished Product...
Super easy & super cute!!

Hope y'all enjoyed!!  Be sure to show me yours if you make one! ;-)


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  1. Great idea i have lots of brushes this will be perfect.

  2. Great idea i have lots of brushes this will be perfect.
