Thursday, December 31, 2015

Ringing in the New Year with a New Adventure...

So I'm going to keep it simple for my first post..  I've been going back and fourth with the idea of starting a blog for a while, and with the New Year approaching in a few hours I finally just decided "why not?!".   

Most importantly, I want my readers (who don't know me personally) to feel my personality and style through my blog.  
I get a lot of questions concerning my favorite makeup & hair products as well as fitness and diet routines..... SO that is what my Blog will be dedicated to.  Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle, and Decor...  

This whole blogging thing will take a little bit to get use to so please bare with me.  I intend to try and have a couple new posts up weekly..  Feel free to drop any questions or ideas y'all have.  :-) 

I hope everyone has a safe and fabulous New Years Eve..  
See ya in 2016!  


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